Looking For Acid Reduced Coffee K-Cups?
Hey guys – are you one of the unlucky coffee enthusiasts out there that, due to the unfortunate nature of physical distress you have experienced due to the acid content of coffee, has had to forfeit it? Well, guess what, you don’t have to, and you can even find some K-cup varieties of it too!
Believe it or not, I know all about heartburn, having had to reach for the occasional swig of Pepto, so you’re not alone. Thankfully I don’t have anything serious 🙂 I started trying out Kava brand instant coffee crystals – which is a great reduced acid brand that tastes great – I highly recommend them. Only trouble is that this brand isn’t carried in mainstream grounds and K-cups.
It does take some diligent looking, though. But fortunately, I’ve been able to cull out the best if you have these special dietary considerations. It’s not always easy to find these specialty, low acid k-cups brands in stores (I haven’t either ) which is why I thought I would go out on a limb and find out on an online expedition. I hope you find the following lineup helpful![toc]
But First – What Makes Coffee So Acidic (Or Less) ?
Without making this post too much of a chemistry lesson LOL….as I know you came here looking to know about coffee right? Still, there are some things to keep in mind that will provide a good guideline to follow. That is knowing a little bit about ph. In a nutshell:
Acids are below a Ph of 7, a neutral Ph is exactly 7, and alkalines are above 7. Water in general, is neutral in its Ph, although what we know as “hard water” tends to be more alkaline with a Ph of 8.5 or greater.
For example, vinegar has a Ph of 3 -Â highly acidic. Although water’s minerals are good for us, they don’t always agree with our pod brewer’s functioning. It takes acids to break down alkalines, which is why we use vinegar to descale.
Many coffees generally fall into that 5 – 5.8 range. With less acid, it brings the Ph closer to 6 or more, and ergo…you enjoy it more, and are less likely to have painful flare-ups.If you locate a coffee brand with a Ph range exceeding that 5.8, you may be walking in high cotton.
HealthWise Low Acid K Cups, 72 count, Keurig 2.0 Compatible
Healthwise – Low Acid, High on Flavor!
This seems to be the best brand overall if you’ve been seeking a great brand of k-cups for sensitive stomachs based on ratings and popularity. The special (trademarked) process, Techno roasting, helps to minimize the acidic properties as well as retain its high vitamin count as well.
A Ph of 6.1 makes this a great option and a much less acidic cup of joe! There is a hazelnut and Colombian variation offered as well as decaf. It comes in K-cups as well as loose grounds by the pound.
Puroast is another brand worth a shot that comes in k-cups. It’s also organic and 70% less acid when compared to conventional brands. ; it’s other differentiation is that it is enriched with antioxidants. The included flavors are House Blend, Vanilla Nut, French Roast, Decaf House Blend, and Lost Art Blend that you can get in k-cups (this brand also has a whole bean and loose ground by the bag variations to.) Opinions on the taste tended to vary, but a fair amount of people were happy that their symptoms were not provoked.
Puroast Low Acid Coffee House Blend Single Serve Coffee, Keurig CompatiblePuroast Coffee Bakery Blend Panadero Nespresso Compatible, 60 Count
There is also a Nespresso compatible pod as well which you might appreciate if you own one 🙂 The k-cups I noticed had ridges…I did once try a brand like that but i had no problems,This is another brand that is getting some attention – Some people enjoyed the taste and some didn’t..Since taste is a subjective concern, it’s hard to quantify that issue here:)
Cafe Don Pedro
Again, watch out if you own one of the Keurig 2.0 models….heard enough remarks that they got rejected (although that part may have been improved.) Taste-wise, it’s pleasant and smooth. Cafe Don Pedro comes in Breakfast Blend, French Roast, Colombian Supremo, French Vanilla, Hazelnut, and Southern Pecan.
Cafe Don Pedro Southern Pecan 72 Count Kcup Low-Acid CoffeeCafe Don Pedro Breakfast Blend 72 Count Kcup Low-Acid Coffee
Cafe Don Pedro Colombian Supremo 72 Count Kcup Low-Acid Coffee
The Colombian and Southern Pecan appeared to be liked best. Only problem as I see is, the cups should be packaged better. Some people reported loose grounds in their coffee (the coffee itself tasting good despite that) so I hope the design will be improved soon. Not sure it was totally about 2.0 Keurigs either…..they should not be causing trouble or leaving stray grounds behind.
Low Acid Coffee Brands For Refillable K-Cups
If you’re more into using refillable K-cups you may have more options available to you in the form of reduced acid brands of coffee, as the above brands are also carried in loose ground form;Â plus there are a fair amount of other brands to check into!
Folger’s Simply Smooth Ground Coffee, 11.5 Oz. Plastic Canister
Folgers Simply Smooth
Everybody knows that Folgers has been around since Hector was a pup….so you can’t go wrong there at all. This is a great variation to try; and it’s also got “Half Caff” and decaf versions as well. The sizes present will go a long way if you want to use them in your refillable K-cups at home.
With so many coffee niches it’s not surprising that this reduced acid version has come out. Even if you’re someone with just the occasional bout of heartburn this is one variety I would be more than happy to recommend.
In addition to the enjoyment and appeasing of conditions dealing with digestive distress, the price on it makes it a no-brainer.
Lucy Jo’s Coffee, Organic Mellow Belly Low Acid Blend, Ground, 11 oz
Lucy Jo’s Mellow Belly
This is another brand (this company is out of upstate NY) that is getting a fair amount of great feedback for taste, quality and no aggravation of distress. People with conditions ranging from Crohn’s disease to IBS were speaking highly of it.
It comes in a few other varieties, including decaf, Sumatran dark roast, and Brainstorm (that’s an interesting one) all of which contain the same low-acid approach. It is also certified organic. If you enjoy medium to dark roasts, I highly recommend Lucy Jo’s.
Alkaline Buzz – Brain Enhancing Espresso Roast – 100% Ground Organic Low Acidity Coffee
Alkaline Buzz
No, it doesn’t actually get you “buzzed” but this unique brand, spearheaded by Mastermind Coffee, is in a class by itself. If you enjoy a more fine ground, this is perfect for you. There is some info pointing to the truth behind finer grinds having less acid.
Anyway, although the sales copy about memory enhancement sounds a little hypey, there’s some truth in that good coffee, free of additives, can make your experience better. It is also certified organic via the label on front. A lot of good testimonials can be found…only thing I notice is it’s a little more pricey than some of the brands discussed here.
Yes You Can Have Your Coffee (With Less Acid) and Drink It Too!
Now even if you suffer from heartburn, gastritis, GERD or a similar condition that demands you cut down your coffee intake now, you can take heart and have some great options in coffee that tastes great and will agree with you. Amongst all of the choices presented above, there are bound to be a few brands that you may prefer to others so it would be wise to sample each and see which ones you like the best. Good luck to you and hope you enjoy this list!