Have you heard that caviar can come from any fish? That’s one popular myth you might have fallen for hook, line, and sinker.
The reality is that real caviar comes from sturgeon roe. Some manufacturers hope you’ll believe otherwise since they use non-sturgeon fish eggs and then sell a less-than-premium product for a premium price.
Grand View Research reports that the worldwide caviar market was worth $417.4 million in 2023 and could grow at a 7.9% compound annual growth rate from 2024 to 2030. It adds that one reason more and more people are consuming caviar is that it has essential health properties like vitamins E, A, B12, and B6, as well as omega-3 fatty acids.
More and more people are enjoying caviar despite its bougie aura. But the idea that caviar is limited to the rich and famous is one thing people get wrong. Here are five other misconceptions people have about caviar.
Misconception #1: Caviar Can Be Made from Any Fish Eggs
It’s worth repeating that caviar — real caviar — comes from sturgeon. Unfortunately, some manufacturers sell “caviar” from fish other than sturgeon. The highest quality, and therefore the most expensive, caviar comes from beluga sturgeon. However, other kinds of sturgeon — such as kaluga and osetra — produce eggs that can accurately be called caviar.
Some suppliers claim to sell caviar even though the eggs come from trout or salmon. It might taste okay, but it’s not caviar.
Your best bet is to get your caviar from a reputable provider of premium caviar products so you enjoy the real thing rather than a counterfeit. When patronizing the right company, you can get caviar delivered to your home.
Misconception #2: Caviar Should Always Be Eaten with a Metal Spoon
Another misconception you might have heard is that you must use a metal spoon to eat caviar. A metal spoon can trigger oxidation and change the flavor profile. So, while it’s fine to use a metal spoon, doing so might alter the culinary experience.
If you want the full caviar flavor, use a plastic spoon. That’ll help ensure nothing interferes with the delicate flavor of the caviar.
Misconception #3: Caviar Tastes Overly Fishy
Yet another myth you might have heard about caviar is that it has an overly fishy and unpleasant taste. If you’ve had that experience, the caviar was either beyond its best-before date or a counterfeit.
When dealing with quality caviar, you have nothing to worry about. Quality caviar from a reputable supplier has a rich buttery flavor rather than a palate-dominating, overly fishy taste.
Misconception #4: Caviar Must Be Chewed
While there’s nothing wrong with chewing caviar — in fact, it might be tempting not to — the delicacy is best enjoyed by allowing the fish eggs to dissolve on the roof of your mouth.
Chewing is okay, but enjoying caviar that way might change the eating experience by breaking up the delicate texture. Delayed gratification is best.
Misconception #5: Fresh Caviar Has a Long Shelf Life
Yet another misconception is that fresh caviar has a long shelf life. While it would be great if that were the case, the reality is that it isn’t.
Fresh caviar should, after opening the container, be eaten within a few days for the best eating experience. So, if you’re the sort of consumer who eats a bit of a product and then stores it in the fridge for weeks, you’ll want to avoid doing that with caviar.
Caviar is a delicacy made to be enjoyed by people from all walks of life. What you want to avoid is allowing the misconceptions to keep you from trying caviar. Find out what all the fuss is about!